Hello my fellow bloggers today des hunt visited our school if you don't know about him here is A little paragraph about him. Des hunt is A well respected educationalist and teacher and he has written A series of successful environmental adventures for 9-12 year olds. He lives in Whitianga, NZ and taught at the Mercury Bay Area School. Here is what he showed us.
1. Saw some of his books that are not printing.
2. He showed us the way A story goes.
3. We could buy some books if we wanted to.
4. He told us how he became an author.
5. He is good at chemistry.
My favorite part of the presentation was when the balloon exploding and it was my favorite part because it was loud. I think it was important because the eels never stopped growing and I think he was trying to make us know how the eel never stopped growing.
Now that I have seen this presentation I will read more des hunt books and try to be more creative like him.
Hi Bloggers, A Few Days Ago We Started A Book Called Skink Gully It's About Central Otago's Searing Summer Has Been Long And Brutal. And Yet Somehow The Sheep And Smaller Creatures On Stonefields Station Have Survived. That's Until Garth Fischer Arrives, Along With His Gun And Plans To Change Things In A Big Way. So Yea Im Not Going To Spoil It But If You Want To Read It Here Is The Picture And Its By Des Hunt A Famous Author. I Think Its A Really Good Book So Far And I Rate It 8 Out Of 10 So You Should Read It.
Hello my fellow Bloggers i'm back and I got something special for you. It's about Anzac day. i'm pretty sure you know what Anzac day is. If you don't know let me explain. Anzac day is about the New Zealand And Australian Army Corps that served our country in WW1 In gallipoli, Turkey. This event is celebrated in Australia as well. We have dawn parades and memorials to remember the people that gave their life for us. Here are some photos.